We’re a group of about seventy ordinary men and women who love amateur radio and enjoy doing things together that you will learn about as you explore this website. We’d love to have you join us—click on the Membership tab for more information. As we often say, Hope 2 CU soon and 73!
Stay in Touch
In addition to our monthly meetings, area nets, and our newsletter, we’re trying to do a better job of sharing all that’s happening with the WARC. Check out the changes on this website—we will be updating it at least monthly. Also, our YouTube channel (Wexaukee ARC) posts videos of our monthly meetings with occasional other video features. Finally, make it a point to regularly go to our Facebook page. As always, if you have suggestions for improving any of these resources, please email Lyn, WA8UPB.
Largest Swap in the North
Mark your calendars and plan to join us for another great swap. As you know, ham radio swaps are more than a chance to find a good bargain on something you may or may not really need. Most of us look forward to them for the chance for an “eyeball QSO” with someone we haven’t seen in a while. It’s also a great way to introduce a non-ham friend to the hobby.
Is someone in your home getting tired of tripping over all that radio stuff you’ve accumulated over the years? Reserve a table and go home with a little extra money . . . to buy more radio stuff! Click here for a table reservation form!
As usual, our always-helpful VE team will be administering license exams. Our local high-school band boosters will keep you well fed and happy. And who knows—this may be your lucky year to take home one of our many door prizes. For more information, click here!
Cadillac Swap
Saturday, May 3, 2025
8:00 a.m.-Noon
Mackinaw Trail Middle School
8401 South Mackinaw Trail, Cadillac, MI
World Amateur Radio Day
Radio amateurs around the world are encouraged to spread the good news about our hobby on Friday, April 18. The Wexaukee Amateur Radio Club plans to activate a public portable station on Saturday, April 19 to demonstrate ham radio to our community. Could you or your club do something to highlight amateur radio? The ARRL produces excellent free brochures introducing people to our hobby that you could hand out at a POTA activation or make available to your local library. We all want to see more people become amateur radio operators, and this is a great opportunity to showcase our hobby.
Ugliest Project Contest Winner 2025
Congratulations to Dallas, KC8KCW, this year’s winner of the Ugliest Project Contest.
Dallas wowed us with his portable power source that can be used for ham radio, RV’s or other emergency power needs. Five club members entered this annual event, and all the projects were extremely well done. Other entrants included Phil, N5OZL—Gordie—W8CT, Les—K8LES, and Mike—KF8BCR.